About The Exhibition

Exhibitor Target Profile

  • International, regional & local hospitals
  • Medical & Dental Center, Spa & Treatment facilities
  • Global Health Organizations
  • Advisories, Consultancies
  • Medical & Dental Equipment Suppliers
  • Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Suppliers
  • Medical Laboratories & Lab Equipment & Disposable Suppliers
  • E-Health Technology Systems and Service Providers
  • Allied Service Suppliers and Contractors.

Benefits for Exhibitors

  • Meetings and interaction with hundreds of visitors (most of them medical travelers).
  • Insight about the specific needs and expectations of the Kuwaiti healthcare consumer market and reach keenly interested Kuwaiti service seekers.
  • Promotion of products and services with focused media plan for targeted audience.
  • Enhance brand image among the potential clients.
  • Generate sales leads and increase client base and revenues.
  • Maintain or renew personal contacts with existing or former clients.
  • Achieve business to business (B2B) and business to consumer (B2C) objectives.
  • Align future strategies to match the requirements of Kuwaiti healthcare market.
